Tuesday, July 23, 2013

OJT at Municipality of Malilipot

July 8, 2013 was our starting date in our OJT at Municipality of Malilipot. we had the same routine everyday. Everyday we try to be a helping hand to our supervisor in all her work. We organize stock-up files and group them according to its information. almost every transaction in the office is paper based. Even in the list of the employee. Employees were group into 3, the elected, permanent, and the job order employees. they have each record and their corresponding benefits in the agency.The first week was all about data gathering for us, due to the preparation for our capstone project. In our Second week ,we had Two days Vacation because of  the celebration of Lubid Festival in Malilipot. after the festival we went back to our daily routine. Our supervisor is very kind and considerate. she makes us feel comfortable to do office works. in our 3rd week we focus on data gathering and observing the process in the office. and taking down all the transaction there which is needed in our system.

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