Thursday, October 3, 2013

In the first month of our OJT it was all data gathering, familiarizing of the process in the office. Every transaction is important specially in transaction connected to employees. But in our second and third month, it was all about developing the system, it was our primary goal to make a progress in our system, but even though we concentrate in our system, we make sure that we still have time in our client and provide a good performance and leave with promising accomplishments every day. Sometimes we have a very strict schedule to follow specially if the mayor is around but it's ok we consider it as a training ground for the outside world because when the time comes and we will be working in office we have to follow the rules in a certain company.
 For me our OJT in the Municipality of Malilipot was a success because we gathered all the needed information and process, and I believe that our supervisor was pleased of our performance but the only thing we have to accomplish is our system to guarantee our success.We promised a system that will be a big help to them that's way we are trying our best not to disappoint them, and also for me and my partner to graduate on time. I am hoping that in that short time in our client's office we made a very good impression not only to our supervisor but also to every employee we encounter everyday. 

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